The Agmārian Alphabet
Phoneme Inventory
a ɑː i e ɵ y t m d n s z f v b p l ʀ ɦ j ʒ w k ɡ θ ʂ
Historically, Agmārian writing has been pretty chaotic. It was first written down for religious texts and poems, and its freeform nature has made its spread difficult. The one fast rule is that words are written from left to right.

Classical Agmārian has loose writing rules that allow creativity in how letters are attached in a word. As a rule of thumb, as long as each letter is recognisable, it doesn't matter how they are attached, which sometimes makes it difficult to read and learn the language.

Underneath is the word "agmār" written in three different ways.
The word Agmār written in three different ways.

The word 'agmār' written in three different ways.

The first two are classical writing. The left one would be considered more poetic, with elongated bits and uncommon way to attach the letters, while the right one would be a more down-to-earth classic way to write.

The third one is a simplified modern writing that is starting to be used more commonly as printing press arose, as well as helping with spreading literacy throughout the land. Classical writing is still used for poetry, official texts, religion, signposts, and anything that wants to look fancy.
Modern Agmārian codified the use of the VSO order, but words can still be switched around without losing meaning, emphasising the first and last words of a sentence (first word is most important element, last word is second most important).
Verbs & Tenses
Verbs typically start & end in a vowel, and are usually placed at the start of a sentence. The basic form of a verb is both the infinitive and the present tense.

The prefix ot- is used to form the past tense.
The suffix -ba is used to form the future tense.

  • ovo : to be, i am
  • otovo : i was
  • ovoba : i will be
Nouns & Declensions
Nouns typically end in a vowel and are either variable or invariable.
Invariable nouns have only one form, while variable nouns have 3 to 5 forms, following the gender markers listed later. Invariable nouns are usually inanimate objects, places, concepts, etc. while variable nouns usually touches on everything living.

Nouns also have five cases: nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, and instrumental, which are marked by suffixes as follow:
  • Nominative -r
  • Accusative no marking; removes the last consonnants of the root word if applicable
  • Dative -ir
  • Genitive -i
  • Instrumental -ad

Plural is marked by a final o on top of the declension.
The noun final format goes as such: root+gender+case+plural

  • es: root word for "child"; used as such, it's an insult
  • ese: animal child
  • esom: hybrid child
  • esok: human child
  • esa: other child (typically dreq)

  • agmār: [agmār] is great
  • agmā: i visit [agmār]
  • agmāir: the impress sent a message [to agmār]
  • agmāri: dākur is [agmār's] capital
  • agmārad: the war was started [by agmār]

additional notes that idk where to list

  • source direction: -an
  • destination direction: an-
  • vocative: ga-
Grammatical Genders
Agmārian counts 5 grammatical genders, which are seperate from Agmāri social gender. They instead denote the species one is referring to. The genders are as follow: animal, hybrid, human, other, and inanimate. Other is used for any creature that isn't one of Agmār's native species, commonly used to refer to dreqs. Inanimate is used for objects and any other non-living thing. It is offensive to refer to someone in the inanimate, as it is one of the most taboo insult. In modern Agmārian, the exception to this rule are 1st and 2nd person personal pronouns.
Gender is marked by adding the appropriate suffixe at the end of words, as follow:
  • Animal -e
  • Hybrid -om
  • Human -ok
  • Other -a
  • Inanimate is unmarked
Personal Pronouns
Just like nouns, personal pronouns have five cases. In addition to that are the five genders listed above, 1st, 2nd and 3rd person, each in singular and plural, which makes a total of 150 unique words, although only 70 of them are commonly used, as the gendered forms of the 1st and 2nd persons are considered archaic (listed in parenthesis).
Personal pronouns are often omitted in speech, when one can extrapolate it from context.
Using the 1st and 2nd person in the inanimate for living being is not considered offensive in modern Agmārian.
Nominative Accusative
Inanimate Other Human Hybrid Animal Inanimate Other Human Hybrid Animal
1st sg vo (vora) (vorok) (vorom) (vore) vot (vota) (votok) (votom) (vote)
2nd sg da (data) (datok) (datom) (date) det (deta) (detok) (detom) (dete)
3rd sg kor kora korok korom kore kof kofa kofok kofom kofe
1st plr yu (yuma) (yumok) (yumom) (yume) yut (yuta) (yutok) (yutom) (yute)
2nd plr yo (yoa) (yok) (yom) (yoe) yot (yota) (yotok) (yotom) (yote)
3rd plr hi hia hiok hiom hie he hefa hefok hefom hefe
Dative Genitive
Inanimate Other Human Hybrid Animal Inanimate Other Human Hybrid Animal
1st sg ver (vera) (verok) (verom) (vere) ve (vea) (veok) (veom) (vehe)
2nd sg dah (daha) (dahok) (dahom) (dahe) di (dia) (diok) (diom) (die)
3rd sg kir kira kirok kirom kire ki kia kiok kiom kie
1st plr yer (yera) (yerok) (yerom) (yere) ye (yea) (yeok) (yeom) (yehe)
2nd plr yir (yira) (yirok) (yirom) (yire) yi (yia) (yiok) (yiom) (yie)
3rd plr ho hola holok holom hole heg hega hegok hegom hege
Inanimate Other Human Hybrid Animal
1st sg var (vara) (varok) (varom) (vare)
2nd sg dar (dara) (darok) (darom) (dare)
3rd sg kar kara karok karom kare
1st plr yar (yara) (yarok) (yarom) (yare)
2nd plr yan (yana) (yanok) (yanom) (yane)
3rd plr ha hana hanok hanom hane


  • ābexo - (to) write
  • ifu - (to) sing
  • eni - (to) give
  • esgā - (to) punch
  • efuni - (to be) sick, diseased
  • erhu - (to) send
  • exu - (to) start
  • onku - (to) visit
  • ovo - (to) be
  • umi - (to) go

Invariable Nouns

  • agmār - the country's name
  • debāra - war
  • degixa - strength
  • dyadu - animate creature (that isn't animal, hybrid, or human)
  • dyuku - human
  • dyuxe - hybrid (human-animal)
  • sesia - impress (of anissia)
  • rifuji - inanimate, object
  • here - message
  • wixe - town
  • woixa - capital city
  • xuxeve - animal

Variable Nouns

  • es - child
  • suniful - singer
  • hex - spouse


  • zu - no
  • wuwu - good